Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Clinical Certificate Course In General Dentistry

Spacing in upper front teeth exists in many patients, known as midline diastema. This space can be closed in various ways. One of the methods is by restoration with composite. Midline diastema is the most common esthetic problem seen as a result of space discrepancy in the anterior region of the mouth. Closure of midline diastema will give the patient a better smile, good esthetics, and social confidence. Appropriate diagnosis and planning hold the key to the successful clinical outcome. Diastema or spacing in upper front teeth is a common complaint of patients. The technique was first taught in detail where shade selection, mock up and finishing of composites was emphasized. First tooth should be contoured, finished and polished before we start on the second tooth. The use of Mylar strip when applying material to second tooth was taught. The students were then shown a video of the procedure. This was followed by a demonstration of midline diastema closure. A doubt clearing session was later held after which the students then performed the procedure on patients. All patients and instruments are provided by the institute to the patients.
Such a case of midline diastema closure was performed by Dr. Sriparna, a student of Clinical Course in General Dentistry.

New batch of Clinical Certificate Course in General Dentistry started at our centre. The students are practicing access opening on extracted teeth before working on patients. The students at AHEAD Academy are thoroughly prepared before they treat patients. 

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