Monday, 2 January 2017

Clinical Certificate Course Endodontics at Ahead Academy

Clinical class in Endodontics was held at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi. The students were taught ‘perforation repair’. Coronal and radicular perforations were discussed. Ledge formation and its practical aspects were demonstrated. The management of such performations was discussed. The procedure and the biocompatible material for perforation repair were explained in detail.

New Batch of students started at AHEAD Academy, as part of Clinical Certificate Course in Endodontics. Access opening was taught to the new students. The burs used for opening access for Root Canal Treatment were shown and explained to the students. Carbide and diamond burs were shown. The use of Endo and endo access burs was also emphasized.   


A patient came with a complaint of limited mouth opening and pain in lower left region. On examination, hard bands were felt in the check. It was provisionally diagnosed as oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF). It is a preventable, common disease process seen in the Indian Subcontinent.   Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic precancerous disease that results in fibrosis of the oral soft tissues, involving oral mucosa, the oropharynx, and rarely, the larynx.It manifests as blanching and stiffness of the oral mucosa, trismus, burning sensation in the mouth, reduced mobility of the soft palate and tongue, loss of gustatory sensation, intolerance to eating hot and spicy foods and occasionally, mild hearing loss. A thorough cleaning was performed and patient recalled next week for evaluation and further treatment.

A Case of splinting performed at our centre by Dr. Moin, a student of Clinical Certificate Course in General Dentistry. The stains on patient’s teeth were removed and lower teeth joined together.

A flap surgery is in process at AHEAD Academy. It was performed independently by Dr. Sneha as part of Clinical Course in Periodontics. The surgery was done on a patient, Mrs. Hemlatha who had gingival recession and mobility of teeth.  

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