Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Endodontics Clinical Certificate Course

In today’s class of clinical course, rotary endodontics was discussed. The materials for performing rotary endodontic were explained in detail to the students. The advantages and disadvantages of NiTi and Hyflex files were elaborated. The tip size and taper of the rotary files was demonstrated to the students. The protaper system, including shaping and finishing files was taught.

The procedure of using rotary files was explained and shown to the students step by step. The brushing and pecking motions for files were illustrated. The use of protaper hand files was also emphasized. Such classes are regularly held at both centres of AHEAD Academy, Delhi and Mohali. Hero shapers and Self-Adjusting Files (SAF) systems were also demonstrated.     Doubt clearing sessions are also conducted. A sufficient number of patients are provided to the students for practice by the institute. 

An 18 year old girl complained about bad esthetics due to fractured front tooth. She gave history of trauma few years ago. Tooth was discoloured meaning it was non vital when she came for treatment. She was advised to get her treatment done. Treatment plan included root canal treatment of 21 that is central incisor of second quadrant.  Root canal treatment included extirpation of non vital pulp from root canals and obturating with gutta percha cones. Further treatment plan after root canal treatment included post and core. Post and core is a type of dental restoration used to stabilise a weekened tooth. In this procedure, post space is created by removing guttapercha, leaving behind 5-6 mm of gutta percha in the apical region. Post is inserted into the post space with its protusion (2-3mm) which is to support a large restoration. After composite build up (core), crown cutting was done for porcelain fused crown, after which crown cementation was done with a luting cement. End result included a perfect smile with satisfaction of patient and good esthetics.

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