Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Free Patients Treatment In Delhi Ncr

We do affordable dental treatment for patients at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi and Mohali.  Many patients are benefitted with the treatment provided at our institute.

Splinting teeth to each other allows weakened teeth to gain support from neighbouring ones. When used to connect periodontally compromised teeth, splinting can increase patient comfort during chewing. Periodontal stabilization splints are used to stabilize teeth which have become loose as a result of losing the supporting bone around them to periodontal disease. A 53 year old man came with loose and dirty teeth to AHEAD Academy, New Delhi Centre. His teeth were cleaned and splinted together. Many such cases are regularly performed at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi. 

Clinical Class in Endodontics was held today at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi Centre. Single sitting Root Canal Treatment (RCT) was taught to the new batch of students. Rubber dam placement was explained and demonstrated to the students.  A rubber dam or dental dam is a rectangular sheet of latex used by dentists, especially for root canal treatment, but also for things like tooth-coloured fillings. A rubber dam should be routinely used in quality dentistry.
A dental dam:
§  keeps the treated area dry and free of blood or saliva when placing a filling, so that the adhesive may bond efficiently, making the filling more durable.
§  prevents the treated area from being exposed to bacteria in saliva and oral cavity.
§  protects tongue and gums from irritation that could otherwise occur during treatment.
prevents the possibility of any materials or chemicals falling into the mouth or being ingested during treatment.

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