Friday, 6 January 2017

Free Patients Treatment In New Delhi

A 32 year old lady came to AHEAD academy,New Delhi for dental treatment.she was diagnosed with dental caries in maxillary posterior teeth.Type of dental caries include pit and fissure caries which are diagnosed by using explorer over the tooth surface.Pit and fissure caries are the caries initiated in the areas where developmental pits and fissures are located on the tooth surface.Patient was advised to get her treatment done.Treatment plan included restorative procedure which involves removal of caries,cavity preparation and restoring the tooth with proper isolation.Composite was the material of choice due to its colour resemblance with the natural teeth.After the removal of caries and cavity preparation,tooth was isolated and the cavity surface was etched using 37% phosphoric acid(etchant) to make the surface rough because Composite bonds mechanically to the tooth surface.Etchant was washed with water for 15 seconds.Tooth was again isolated and bonding agent is applied and light cured.Composite restoration was done with incremental method and light cured.High points were reduced and finishing of the restoration was done using finishing and burs.

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