Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Oral Surgery Clinical Certificate Course In Delhi

Clinical class in oral surgery was conducted at Ahead Academy, New Delhi. The topic of discussion was “Medical emergencies in dental practice”. The management of medically compromised patients was discussed. For example in hyperthyroid patients, plain local anaesthesia has to be given. The importance of adrenaline and management of adrenal crisis in a dental clinic was discussed. 

Today online live lecture was conducted at New Delhi centre on the topic ‘Growth and development in orthodontics’. The phenomenon of growth of upper and lower jaws as well as the face was discussed in detail. Live lectures are held daily at our both centres. All are welcome to attend such classes and clear their doubts from the experienced faculty.

A 27 year old man Mr Raj Kumar came to the clinic with severe pain in upper left region of the jaw. He was not able to eat or drink anything since one week. His tooth was opened and root canal treatment started. Now root canal treatment will be completed in next appointment. The crown preparation of a patient is going on and a cap will be placed on it. 

Lucia jig helps to obtain centric relation by deprogramming muscles and all owing the condyles to seat in the must superior position. The students were taught the use and technique of Lucia jig today and then one of the students took the bite.

A 65 year old female, Biro from Todapur came to the clinic with a broken tooth in upper front region. The tooth was treated by a procedure known as post and core, which is performed in teeth with very less tooth structure.

Today class in endodontics was held at Ahead Academy, New Delhi. The topic of discussion was ‘Root canal anatomy and its variations”. The anatomy of pulp was discussed in detail. The next topic was access opening in root canal treatment. Access burs used are safety-tip tapered carbide bur. Endo z and Endo access burs were also discussed. Access bur is a round-end cutting tapered diamond bur. The step by step procedure of access opening was explained to students. Once local anaesthesia is given, occlusal reduction should be done, followed by caries removal and deroofing. On applying 3% sodium hypochlorite, there is pulpal injury and bleeding will eventually stop. The practical applications of access opening were taught to the students. The management of pulp stones was also discussed. The instruments to be used for locating the canals were also told to the students. The procedure was then demonstrated to the students on extracted teeth.

A 32 year old lady, Mrs Himani came to the clinic for removal of her son’s teeth. She was motivated to get her check-up and restorations were performed in upper left region. The patient was extremely happy with her appearance after the fillings.

A 23 year old man, Mr. Gore Lal came to the clinic with pain in upper left region. On examination and taking x-rays, it was seen that there was a decayed tooth, so root canal treatment was planned for the patient. Now the pain of the patient is relieved and the treatment is going on.

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