Thursday, 23 March 2017

Online assistance for biostatistics at AHEAD Academy

Are you looking for help in biostatistics? We at AHEAD Academy offer online  helpfor biostatistics. We have a team of biostatistics experts, who are capable to render you quality support for doing biostatistics for your thesis and research in time and by maintaining best possible quality.We help medical and dental students in doing hassle free biostatistics. Availing online help from AHEAD Academy is simple and easy. Students can contact us by phone call, email, as well as by joining at live chat method.

The service includes the following features like:
  • Assured quality of assignments and projects.
  • Timely delivery of assignments.
  • Students can contact us any time they need the service.
  • Advanced clarification support is provided.

We perform all popular analysis used in the field of biological and health related problems like Correlation, Regression, Logistic Regression, Odds Ratio, Chi-square statistic, Survival Analysis, and many more.
Introduction to Biostatistics course titled "Primer Course in Research Methodology & Biostatistics Bridging the gap between Research & Clinical Practice" provides an introduction to selected important topics in bio statistical concepts and reasoning. This course represents an introduction to the field and provides a survey of data and data types.
Most people have heard that heart disease is the leading cause of death in America today. But how do we know this fact to be true? Back in 1948, when a lot wasn't known about the factors leading to heart disease and stroke, a health research study -- known as the Framingham Heart Study -- was done on 5,209 people living in the town of Framingham, Mass. These participants hadn't developed any known symptoms of cardiovascular disease and hadn't had a stroke or heart attack. They agreed to be followed over a period of time to help researchers learn what factors lead to both conditions.

The learning activities include:
Attending workshops
Hands on session with computers and software packages
Reading and comprehending course material
Problem solving
Writing assignments
Group discussions

Course Contents:
Unit 1. Biostatistics
  1. Introduction to Biostatistics
  2. Sampling – Random and non-random sampling methods – Description, merits and demerits
  3. Data summarization – measures of averages and dispersion
  4. Data Presentation techniques – Graphical and tabular
  5. Normal distribution – properties and applications
  6. Standard error, Confidence interval and sampling distribution – definition, computation, interpretation and applications
  7. Basic principles of testing of hypothesis
  8. Test of significance - t-test, one way ANOVA, Repeated measures ANOVA, Chi square and Non parametric methods
  9. Sample size in health science research – Basic principles and computations.
  10. Correlation and Regression
  11. Software packages-SPSS.
  12. Introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analysis
  13. Measures of agreement (Kappa Statistics & ICC)
  14. Logistic regression
  15. Survival analysis

Unit 2. Research Methodology, Epidemiology and experimental design
  1.  Epidemiological Study design- Descriptive, Analytical and Experimental
  2. Basic experimental designs
  3. Epidemiological Measures – Rate, ratio, proportion, Incidence and prevalence , Relative risk, Risk ratio, Odds ratio
  4.  Reliability and validity of screening and diagnostic tests, ROC analysis
  5.  Development of research tools
  6.  Protocol preparation
  7.  Proposal writing
  8.  Report writing and publishing
  9. Critical review of research report and journal article

1 comment:

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