Saturday, 18 March 2017

Clinical Course in General Dentistry

At Ahead Academy, we treat patients from foreign countries also. Last week, a 56 years old man visited the clinic from Afghanistan. The patient had pain in his left lower molar. His tooth was extracted and he was relieved of pain. Many such patients visit AHEAD Academy, New Delhi and Mohali.

 A new student of clinical course in endodontics completed obturation of lower molar with sealer puffs. When using a warm gutta percha hydraulic obturation technique it is routine to observe a sealer puff associated with a portal of exit. Surplus sealer after filling is well-tolerated and research supports its biocompatibility. Advantageously, zinc oxide and eugenol form zinc eugenates which block prostogladins and pain. Patients are more comfortable post-operative when a sealer sets rapidly and completely in the periradicular tissues. Classic sealers take 24-48 hours to set, a more recently marketed sealer, AH Plus, sets in approximately 6 hours, and Kerr Pulp Canal Sealer sets in less than 2 hours.

 A case of splinting was performed at AHEAD ACADEMY, New delhi. The patient came with loose teeth in front region. He was happy with his appearance and esthetics. Periodontal stabilization splints are used to stabilize teeth which have become loose as a result of losing the supporting bone around them to periodontal disease, a condition known as secondary occlusal trauma. Frequently the problem is complicated by heavy bite stress. If the teeth have lost more than 40% of the supporting alveolar bone around them, a diagnosis of “severe” periodontal disease is made. Most often, teeth that are loose (mobile) enough to require splinting have that diagnosis. However, if the tooth roots are abnormally short or thin, or if the bone around them is not particularly dense, the teeth may be loose when less than 40% of the volume has been lost.

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