Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Treatment of patients at a reasonable cost at Karol Bagh

Clinical class in endodontics was held at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi centre. The topic of discussion was post and core. Students were explained the procedure in detail and then demonstrated on typhodont teeth. The step by step procedure was then shown to the students. Posts (or dowels) can generally be divided into two main subgroups, depending on how retention is achieved. Active posts derive their primary retention directly from the root dentine by the use of threads. Passive posts on the other hand gain retention as their name suggests by passively seating in close proximity to the post hole walls, and rely primarily on the luting cement for their retention.1 Each post type can further be subdivided according to its general shape, that is whether it is tapered or parallel sided. In general, active posts are more retentive than passive posts of a similar configuration, and parallel-sided posts are more retentive than tapered posts. Post choice should therefore be dictated by each clinical situation. Regular classes are held at both the centres, New Delhi and Mohali. All students are welcome to attend these classes.

Depigmentation procedure is routinely performed at both the centers of AHEAD Academy. A 23 years old male came to the clinic with blackish gums. His gums were treated and changed to pinkish colour. Various methods such as gingivectomy with free gingival autografts and acellular dermal matrix allografts, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, abrasion with diamond bur, and laser therapy have been used in the treatment of gingival melanin depigmentation with varied degrees of success. Healthy gingival and its appearance are essential factors for an attractive smile and removal of hyperpigmented gingiva is the necessity for a better and beautiful smile. The pigmentation becomes an esthetic concern in patients with a high smile line.

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