Monday, 30 January 2017

Free Patients Treatment In chandigarh

A 27-yr male patient reported at AHEAD, Mohali with a request for aesthetic treatment of black gums. .A pleasing appearance often means the difference between success and failure. Hence the mouth, being one of the focal points of the face, the smile plays a major role in how we perceive ourselves, as well as in the impressions we make on the people around us. ‘Aesthetics’ is the science of beauty, Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry strives to merge function and beauty with the values and individual needs of every patient. Melanin hyperpigmentation is an overproduction of melanin, beyond the normal expected degree in the oral mucosa, induced by various causes. The gingiva is the most frequently pigmented areas in the oral cavity.
This case was selected as the patient was physically healthy with no history of systemic disease, patient presented with a greater degree of gingival pigmentation compared to her skin colour and was very conscious about esthetics. Based on that, a decision was taken to do an anterior depigmentation by “Surgical Stripping”. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure whereby the gingival hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced’. Depigmentation is a procedure to meet demands of patient for improved esthetics and is recommended after periodontal health is restored. An adequate thickness of periodontal tissue is a pre-requisite. One of the first and still popular techniques to be employed is the surgical removal of undesirable pigmentation using scalpel. It is a simple and effective technique. The procedure essentially involves split thickness excision of superficial pigmented epithelium. The new epithelium that forms is devoid of melanin pigmentation. The patient was recalled after 2 weeks and he was satisfied with the treatment done. 

Counselling of students is going on at AHEAD Academy, Mohali. Counselling is provided for all foreign courses and MDS entrance exams. The goal of the counselling sessions is to provide more information to students so that they are better able to make crucial decisions for the future, enabling them to have a clearer picture for themselves regarding what lies ahead. They can weigh their options and ask any questions they might have. It is truly a platform for self-reflection.


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