Monday, 23 January 2017

Clinical Certificate Course Prosthodontics In Delhi

As a part of Clinical Course in Prosthodontics, class in Prosthodontics was conducted at AHEAD Academy, New Delhi Centre. The topic of discussion was fixed partial denture. Different types of pontics were taught to the students. Indications and advantages of immediate dentures were discussed. The immediate denture is a dental prosthesis constructed to replace the lost dentition, associated structures of the maxillae and mandible and inserted immediately following removal of the remaining teeth.
Cu-sil dentures were also explained to the students. Cu-Sil is the premiere technique for partial dentures. Cu-sil denture is basically a complete denture with holes allowing the remaining natural teeth to emerge through the denture. The holes are surrounded by the gasket of silicone rubber which clasps the neck of natural teeth, which allows a natural suction to form under the denture.

A demonstration of tooth preparation was given to the new batch of students. After that students practiced tooth preparation on many patients. The faculty then cleared the doubts of students to improve their preparations. The four main categories of crown were metal, ceramic, metal-ceramic and composite. Tooth preparations need to reflect the different requirements of these materials in terms of amount of space needed to accommodate the crown and its marginal configuration. Tooth preparations also need to be free from undercuts whilst reliably retaining the crown.

Clinical class in endodontics was conducted today at AHEAD ACADEMY, New Delhi. The topic of discussion was Re-RCT (Root Canal Treatment). A root canal retreatment may be necessary if a previously root canal treated tooth fails to heal or if a recurrent infection is evident. Today, well-trained general dentists and root canal specialists alike can most of the times perform non – surgical endodontic root canal re-treatment which is very cost effective, time saving and quite predictable as compared to other treatment alternatives like tooth extraction. But at times the root canal failure case cannot be re-treated by non-surgical methods. In these cases it’s important to use surgical endodontics to re-treat a root canal failure case preferred over tooth extraction. The students were taught the instruments and the technique of performing (Root Canal Treatment) in failed RCT cases. The RCT materials used for removing gutta percha were elaborated. A video was shown and the procedure was then demonstrated to the students. 

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