Saturday, 22 October 2016

Free Patient Treatment In Karol Bagh

A 60 year old man, Mr. Manmohan Singh visited the AHEAD Dental Academy a few months back. The patient had sensitivity to cold and hot in almost all his teeth and his teeth were worn out. Wearing out of teeth is a gradual process but excess wear can cause sensitivity and pain to the patient. The treatment planned was Root Canal Treatment (RCT) of worn out teeth. Full mouth Rehabilitation was planned for the patient. The patient has now obtained relief from sensitivity and can eat cold and hot food. Crowns will be placed on all teeth after completion of RCTs. All the procedures are being performed by dental candidates under the expert guidance of senior faculty members at Ahead Dental Institute.

A 21 year old girl, Ms. Meenu visited Ahead Dental Institute with the chief complaint of presence of brown stains on her front teeth. On clinical examination, it was found that she had a gummy smile and had yellowish brown stains in her upper front teeth and melanin (black) pigmentation also in upper gums. Thus was advised cleaning of teeth as well as removal of pigmentation from gums, a procedure known as depigmentation. The patient was happy and satisfied with the procedure.

A 23 year old lady, Mrs. Poonam visited Ahead Dental Institute with the chief complaint of brown stains on her teeth. The patient had difficulty in opening her mouth. On clinical examination, there were fibrous bands that were felt in her mouth. She was a tobacco chewer since two years and was advised to quit eating tobacco. Cleaning of all the teeth was performed and root canal treatment and crowns were planned for the exposed teeth.

Many such patients visit the institute along with their relatives and friends for the best and satisfying dental treatment. These patients are treated for their complaint as well as other problems starting in their mouth. The cavities starting in their mouth are filled, their teeth are cleaned and whitening of teeth is carried out.  All such procedures are carried out under the guidance of experienced senior faculty members at Ahead Dental Institute.

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